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Phone: 01790 728111
The Surgery Bull Yard, Simpson Street Spilsby, PE23 5LG

From April 2018 the surgery will no longer be offering a weekday early evening surgery and a Saturday morning surgery. These clinics were intended to benefit patients in full-time work who perceived problems attending in normal working hours. In reality the vast majority of appointments were taken by patients would would have been able to attend at other times. As previously explained on this website, the practice has questioned the effectiveness of surgeries outside normal working hours when we don’t have access to practices nurses, health care assistants, our own administrative staff, community nurses and hospital colleagues. We have also come to question the safety of patients and staff consulting at the end of a 12 hour working day. We’ll be working safely and more effectively by rescheduling clinics in core working hours.

From October 2018, NHS England has decreed it is the responsibility of Lincolnshire East CCG to commission prebookable General Practice appointments 7 days a week. At evenings and weekends this won’t be with your GP or practice nurse, and it won’t be in Spilsby. We question whether this is the best use of taxpayers’ money that could be spent investing in weekday GP services.