Phone: 01790 728111
The Surgery Bull Yard, Simpson Street Spilsby, PE23 5LG


Strategies have recently been put forward under LHAC (Lincolnshire Health and Care) to take away Midwifery, Paediatrics & Vascular surgery from Pilgrim Hospital, to downgrade the A & E department at Pilgrim and to move all these services to Lincoln County Hospital.  We believe that lives will be at put at risk as the journey to Lincoln from some of the areas of East Lincolnshire can be between one and two hours depending on the weather and the time of year.

Lincolnshire is one of England’s largest counties & has seen a huge rise in population in recent years.  We feel that the government should increase the provision of funding of services at Pilgrim, not take it away.  The high population locally in south, east and coastal Lincolnshire is greater than the whole of central Lincoln & our NHS LOCAL delivery of services must reflect this.

There is a petition taking place at the moment called “Stop United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust from downgrading Boston Pilgrim Hospital” which you may have seen recently in the press.  The Spilsby Surgery PPG is encouraging as may patients as possible to sign this petition to save our local services at Pilgrim Hospital.

You can sign the petition electronically at the following link or find the paper based petition to sign on the PPG notice in the Surgery.

Thank you

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