Phone: 01790 728111
The Surgery Bull Yard, Simpson Street Spilsby, PE23 5LG
Minutes of the Meeting of the Spilsby Surgery Patient Participation Group

Wednesday 8th July 2015 at 7 pm

The Grange, Ashby Road

Present: Dorothy Dobson (Chair), Stephanie Wroe, Julie Rajput, Christina Holmes, Enid Bailey

Apologies: Sian Lovett, Jeanette Amaral, Jason Longstaff

Absent: Suzie Sheldon

1. The minutes of the meeting from 13 May 2015 were agreed subject to the following amendment:

Enid’s apologies to be added.

2. Matters Arising

Patient Newsletter

The patient newsletter had been in The Grapevine.

NRS National Care

The final piece of equipment collector procedures carried out correctly.

Chemotherapy Bus

After the previous CCG meeting Martin Jago said it would start at Grantham Hospital next week. There is a schedule but is there the staff? Chris read out the following:

The Hope for Tomorrow Mobile Chemotherapy Unit treated its first patients on 2 December 2014 on the Boston site. Since March 2015 the unit has spent 2-3 days per week on the Lincoln site. The Trust has committed additional funding for nursing staff, drivers and running of the unit. All the staff have now started and once the policies and procedures have been ratified by the Trust the Unit will be on the road to its first site – Grantham and District General Hospital which we anticipate will be July 2015. Following this the Unit usage will be increased and it will move around to Spalding, Louth and Skegness as well. The Unit will be fully operational (4 days a week) from April 2016.

As a PPG we will monitor the situation.

Town Council Letter

Dorothy had spoken to Julia Pears who wants to work with the Surgery. Invite Julia to the PPG? A discussion was held about the state of the road. Enid is keen to attend a town council meeting about the state of the road.

3. Hand Gel and Surgery Clock

What is the delay? 2


4. Consortium Update

106 – course to assist Practice Managers to fill in forms

Screening and immunisation – how to ensure all children are immunised – school nurse?

13-15/16-18 – meningitis vaccinations?

5. Any Other Business

  • Jeanette had proposed to Jason the PPG joining NAPP and whether the surgery would pay for the subscription
  • A discussion was held about the virtual members and their lack of response to minutes. What is their commitment to the Group? Would Facebook help or are the surgeries not allowed to use it?
  • Are we allowed to get text reminders for appointments?
  • Is there any information about the PPG on the screen or on the wall?
  • PPG wishes to commend the staff at the Surgery on their tolerance during the last year
  • Privacy is still an issue at the desk. Could we have an area to keep back patients from the individual who is being attended to by the receptionist or pharmacist?
  • Concern re air flow in reception during the warm weather

Next meeting: September 9th 2015. AGM date? Publicity about the AGM needed early/hire of room? Dorothy to speak to Jason re AGM. Action

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